[BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
Terry Maiden
2012-04-11 06:38:31 UTC
This version of Opera is just too old.  On many websites it gets Javascript errors and the site will not run.  I looked in the Opera folder for a uninstall script but found none.  I looked at the various functions inside Opera 8.54 when it runs, no uninstall.  Is there an elegant way to remove 8.54?  Is all of it in its folder or is it like abiword and hides files all over the system?
sindi keesan
2012-04-11 12:44:24 UTC
According to install.sh for Opera 8.54, the files are installed into:
/usr/bin /usr/share/opera /usr/share/doc/opera

A find -name opera* from / might reveal other locations (man?).
Post by Terry Maiden
This version of Opera is just too old.  On many websites it gets Javascript errors and the site will not run.  I looked in the Opera folder for a uninstall script but found none.  I looked at the various functions inside Opera 8.54 when it runs, no uninstall.  Is there an elegant way to remove 8.54?  Is all of it in its folder or is it like abiword and hides files all over the system?
Sindi Keesan
Prof. Dr. David Wray
2012-04-12 11:45:36 UTC
To: Terry Maiden,

I'd keep 8.54 and masquerade it as Netscape. The page rendering shall be=

unaffected generally, but the javascsripting problem shall disappear.

Post by sindi keesan
/usr/bin /usr/share/opera /usr/share/doc/opera
A find -name opera* from / might reveal other locations (man?).
This version of Opera is just too old. On many websites it gets =
Javascript errors and the site will not run. I looked in the Opera =
folder for a uninstall script but found none. I looked at the variou=
s =
Post by sindi keesan
functions inside Opera 8.54 when it runs, no uninstall. Is there an =
Post by sindi keesan
elegant way to remove 8.54? Is all of it in its folder or is it like=
Post by sindi keesan
abiword and hides files all over the system?
Sindi Keesan
-- =

Ronald Wilson Reagan, Geo. H. W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and =

George Walker Bush Attach=E9 to The Co-Joint Academies of Sciences of =

Eastern Europe and The (former) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Terry Maiden
2012-04-12 16:48:35 UTC
Please explain how to 
masquerade it as Netscape.  I found buttons that allow you to ID the browser as either IE, Mozilla or Opera.  None of these selections got me past the Javascript problem when attempting to access AOL Mail.

--- On Thu, 4/12/12, Prof. Dr. David Wray <***@myopera.com> wrote:

From: Prof. Dr. David Wray <***@myopera.com>
Subject: Re: [BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
To: ***@lists.ibiblio.org
Date: Thursday, April 12, 2012, 6:45 AM

To: Terry Maiden,

I'd keep 8.54 and masquerade it as Netscape. The page rendering shall be 
unaffected generally, but the javascsripting problem shall disappear.

Post by sindi keesan
/usr/bin /usr/share/opera /usr/share/doc/opera
A find -name opera* from / might reveal other locations (man?).
This version of Opera is just too old.  On many websites it gets 
Javascript errors and the site will not run.  I looked in the Opera 
folder for a uninstall script but found none.  I looked at the various 
functions inside Opera 8.54 when it runs, no uninstall.  Is there an 
elegant way to remove 8.54?  Is all of it in its folder or is it like 
abiword and hides files all over the system?
Sindi Keesan
Ronald Wilson Reagan, Geo. H. W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and 
George Walker Bush Attaché to The Co-Joint Academies of Sciences of 
Eastern Europe and The (former) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
BasicLinux mailing list
To exit, send subject=unsubscribe to
Prof. Dr. David Wray
2012-04-14 10:52:22 UTC
Pardon me, I meant Mozilla, however you say that is not working at AOL =

Mail. Will masquerading as Mozilla solve problems at sites other than AO=
L =


Please explain how tomasquerade it as Netscape. I found buttons that =
allow you to ID the browser as either IE, Mozilla or Opera. None of =
these selections got me past the Javascript problem when attempting to=
access AOL Mail.
Subject: Re: [BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
Date: Thursday, April 12, 2012, 6:45 AM
To: Terry Maiden,
I'd keep 8.54 and masquerade it as Netscape. The page rendering shall =
be =
unaffected generally, but the javascsripting problem shall disappear.
According to install.sh for Opera 8.54, the files are installed into:=
/usr/bin /usr/share/opera /usr/share/doc/opera
A find -name opera* from / might reveal other locations (man?).
This version of Opera is just too old. On many websites it gets =
Javascript errors and the site will not run. I looked in the Opera =
folder for a uninstall script but found none. I looked at the vario=
us =
functions inside Opera 8.54 when it runs, no uninstall. Is there an=
elegant way to remove 8.54? Is all of it in its folder or is it lik=
e =
abiword and hides files all over the system?
Sindi Keesan
-- =

Ronald Wilson Reagan, Geo. H. W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and =

George Walker Bush Attach=E9 to The Co-Joint Academies of Sciences of =

Eastern Europe and The (former) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Terry Maiden
2012-04-14 14:31:04 UTC
AOL Mail is kind of a high priority for me, followed by Yahoo Mail.  I will try other sites but none of the others except for maybe Ebay are so difficult.

--- On Sat, 4/14/12, Prof. Dr. David Wray <***@myopera.com> wrote:

From: Prof. Dr. David Wray <***@myopera.com>
Subject: Re: [BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
To: ***@lists.ibiblio.org
Date: Saturday, April 14, 2012, 5:52 AM

Pardon me, I meant Mozilla, however you say that is not working at AOL 
Mail. Will masquerading as Mozilla solve problems at sites other than AOL 

Please explain how tomasquerade it as Netscape.  I found buttons that 
allow you to ID the browser as either IE, Mozilla or Opera.  None of 
these selections got me past the Javascript problem when attempting to 
access AOL Mail.
Subject: Re: [BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
Date: Thursday, April 12, 2012, 6:45 AM
To: Terry Maiden,
I'd keep 8.54 and masquerade it as Netscape. The page rendering shall be
unaffected generally, but the javascsripting problem shall disappear.
Post by sindi keesan
/usr/bin /usr/share/opera /usr/share/doc/opera
A find -name opera* from / might reveal other locations (man?).
This version of Opera is just too old.  On many websites it gets
Javascript errors and the site will not run.  I looked in the Opera
folder for a uninstall script but found none.  I looked at the various
functions inside Opera 8.54 when it runs, no uninstall.  Is there an
elegant way to remove 8.54?  Is all of it in its folder or is it like
abiword and hides files all over the system?
Sindi Keesan
Ronald Wilson Reagan, Geo. H. W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and 
George Walker Bush Attaché to The Co-Joint Academies of Sciences of 
Eastern Europe and The (former) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
BasicLinux mailing list
To exit, send subject=unsubscribe to
Prof. Dr. David Wray
2012-04-14 14:50:57 UTC
You may want to set up Opera as an IMAP for AOL Mail, and I believe that=

those server port settings are the same as Outlook, and can be found on =

Google. This way you can avoid the AOL page, which could be causing =

problems for you with any security settings. (Being a former AOL user, I=

know these problems too!)

As Per Yahoo Mail, I gave up years ago. Yahoo seems to despise any OS or=

any browser.

AOL Mail is kind of a high priority for me, followed by Yahoo Mail. I=
will try other sites but none of the others except for maybe Ebay are =
so =
Subject: Re: [BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
Date: Saturday, April 14, 2012, 5:52 AM
Pardon me, I meant Mozilla, however you say that is not working at AOL=
Mail. Will masquerading as Mozilla solve problems at sites other than =
Please explain how tomasquerade it as Netscape. I found buttons that=
allow you to ID the browser as either IE, Mozilla or Opera. None of =
these selections got me past the Javascript problem when attempting t=
o =
access AOL Mail.
Subject: Re: [BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
Date: Thursday, April 12, 2012, 6:45 AM
To: Terry Maiden,
I'd keep 8.54 and masquerade it as Netscape. The page rendering shall=
unaffected generally, but the javascsripting problem shall disappear.=
According to install.sh for Opera 8.54, the files are installed into=
/usr/bin /usr/share/opera /usr/share/doc/opera
A find -name opera* from / might reveal other locations (man?).
This version of Opera is just too old. On many websites it gets
Javascript errors and the site will not run. I looked in the Opera=
folder for a uninstall script but found none. I looked at the vari=
functions inside Opera 8.54 when it runs, no uninstall. Is there a=
elegant way to remove 8.54? Is all of it in its folder or is it li=
abiword and hides files all over the system?
Sindi Keesan
-- =

Ronald Wilson Reagan, Geo. H. W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and =

George Walker Bush Attach=E9 to The Co-Joint Academies of Sciences of =

Eastern Europe and The (former) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
sindi keesan
2012-04-14 15:35:07 UTC
Post by Terry Maiden
AOL Mail is kind of a high priority for me, followed by Yahoo Mail.  I will try other sites but none of the others except for maybe Ebay are so difficult.
http://www.fastmail.fm - works with almost all browsers including links,
elinks, lynx, but NOT with Opera 8 - unable to complete secure

Why not use Opera 9.63 instead? Upgrade glibc first.

Terry Maiden
2012-04-15 18:43:03 UTC
Sindi, the idea of removing 8.54 is so that I can then install 9.27 or 9.64.  8.54 takes up space I need for other stuff.  I don't want to just leave it on the hard drive.  
Setting the ID to "Mozilla" may be a valid work around though.  AOL puts advertising on their logon screen that takes up the whole screen when set to 800x600 or 1024x768 but they have changed the ad again so the "Member ID" and "Password" fields may be accessible today.  Yesterday they were pushed too far to the right.
The problem I am having with Yahoo is for some reason it thinks I'm using a "Hand Held" device such as a cell phone, not a PC with a full-size screen.
For various reasons I am committed to staying with Yahoo mail and especially AOL Mail.  Changing would cause a "family crisis"!!!
Terry Maiden
2012-04-15 20:38:51 UTC
The error I get when trying to access AOL Mail with Opera 8.54 is 
"Illegal or Non-verifyable Certificate".
Maybe they changed the certificate format?

--- On Sun, 4/15/12, Terry Maiden <***@att.net> wrote:

From: Terry Maiden <***@att.net>
Subject: [BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
To: ***@lists.ibiblio.org
Date: Sunday, April 15, 2012, 1:43 PM

Sindi, the idea of removing 8.54 is so that I can then install 9.27 or 9.64.  8.54 takes up space I need for other stuff.  I don't want to just leave it on the hard drive.  
Setting the ID to "Mozilla" may be a valid work around though.  AOL puts advertising on their logon screen that takes up the whole screen when set to 800x600 or 1024x768 but they have changed the ad again so the "Member ID" and "Password" fields may be accessible today.  Yesterday they were pushed too far to the right.
The problem I am having with Yahoo is for some reason it thinks I'm using a "Hand Held" device such as a cell phone, not a PC with a full-size screen.
For various reasons I am committed to staying with Yahoo mail and especially AOL Mail.  Changing would cause a
"family crisis"!!!
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sindi keesan
2012-04-15 21:54:19 UTC
Post by Terry Maiden
The error I get when trying to access AOL Mail with Opera 8.54 is 
"Illegal or Non-verifyable Certificate".
Maybe they changed the certificate format?
Could the certificate be out of date?

I get a similar error with Opera 8.54 and fastmail. Opera 9.63 appears
not to work with AOL or Yahoo (hits some javascript it cannot digest?).

Can you forward your Yahoo and AOL mail to some other webmail that is less
fussy about browsers?

Sindi Keesan
Prof. Dr. David Wray
2012-04-17 09:11:50 UTC
According to AOL's staff, this error means that you do need AOL's =

software. AOL is a service, not an ISP. As such it requires several MS =

Windows files to access several servers' services simultaneously. This i=
s =

the reason AOL's software turns IE 6 into the AOL browser.

AOL and Linux do not mix well. Yahoo is now a similar AT&T service =

likewise inimical with respect to Linux. These services expect MS Window=
s =

XP SP3 or higher, but not BL3. Even Windows 2000 is oft prone to errors =
as =


Disgustingly poor anti-Linux coding!

The error I get when trying to access AOL Mail with Opera 8.54 is =
"Illegal or Non-verifyable Certificate".
Maybe they changed the certificate format?
Subject: [BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
Date: Sunday, April 15, 2012, 1:43 PM
Sindi, the idea of removing 8.54 is so that I can then install 9.27 or=
9.64. 8.54 takes up space I need for other stuff. I don't want to ju=
st =
leave it on the hard drive. Setting the ID to "Mozilla" may be a valid=
work around though. AOL puts advertising on their logon screen that =
takes up the whole screen when set to 800x600 or 1024x768 but they hav=
e =
changed the ad again so the "Member ID" and "Password" fields may be =
accessible today. Yesterday they were pushed too far to the right.
The problem I am having with Yahoo is for some reason it thinks I'm =
using a "Hand Held" device such as a cell phone, not a PC with a =
full-size screen.
For various reasons I am committed to staying with Yahoo mail and =
especially AOL Mail. Changing would cause a
"family crisis"!!!
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BasicLinux mailing list
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-- =

Ronald Wilson Reagan, Geo. H. W. Bush, William Jefferson Clinton and =

George Walker Bush Attach=E9 to The Co-Joint Academies of Sciences of =

Eastern Europe and The (former) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Terry Maiden
2012-04-17 15:14:42 UTC
I have spoken with AOL (non) support staff several times. They are extremely unhelpful if you mention you are using Linux. I have found that if you use Opera 9.27 you can get access if you accept the several outdated certificates for the AOL sites. If you use Opera 9.64 it lets you right in, no problem. I want to remove Opera 8.54 because just leaving it on the hard drive wastes space. Also as a learning experience.
Post by Terry Maiden
Subject: Re: [BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 4:11 AM
According to AOL's staff, this error means that you do need
software. AOL is a service, not an ISP. As such it requires
several MS 
Windows files to access several servers' services
simultaneously. This is 
the reason AOL's software turns IE 6 into the AOL browser.
AOL and Linux do not mix well. Yahoo is now a similar
AT&T service 
likewise inimical with respect to Linux. These services
expect MS Windows 
XP SP3 or higher, but not BL3. Even Windows 2000 is oft
prone to errors as 
Disgustingly poor anti-Linux coding!
Post by Terry Maiden
The error I get when trying to access AOL Mail with
Opera 8.54 is
Post by Terry Maiden
"Illegal or Non-verifyable Certificate".
Maybe they changed the certificate format?
Subject: [BL] uninstalling Opera 8.54
Date: Sunday, April 15, 2012, 1:43 PM
Sindi, the idea of removing 8.54 is so that I can then
install 9.27 or 
Post by Terry Maiden
9.64.  8.54 takes up space I need for other
stuff.  I don't want to just 
Post by Terry Maiden
leave it on the hard drive. Setting the ID to "Mozilla"
may be a valid 
Post by Terry Maiden
work around though.  AOL puts advertising on their
logon screen that 
Post by Terry Maiden
takes up the whole screen when set to 800x600 or
1024x768 but they have 
Post by Terry Maiden
changed the ad again so the "Member ID" and "Password"
fields may be 
Post by Terry Maiden
accessible today.  Yesterday they were pushed too
far to the right.
Post by Terry Maiden
The problem I am having with Yahoo is for some reason
it thinks I'm 
Post by Terry Maiden
using a "Hand Held" device such as a cell phone, not a
PC with a 
Post by Terry Maiden
full-size screen.
For various reasons I am committed to staying with
Yahoo mail and 
Post by Terry Maiden
especially AOL Mail.  Changing would cause a
  "family crisis"!!!
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BasicLinux mailing list
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Ronald Wilson Reagan, Geo. H. W. Bush, William Jefferson
Clinton and 
George Walker Bush Attaché to The Co-Joint Academies of
Sciences of 
Eastern Europe and The (former) Union of Soviet Socialist
BasicLinux mailing list
To exit, send subject=unsubscribe to
sindi keesan
2012-04-17 15:21:20 UTC
Post by Terry Maiden
I have spoken with AOL (non) support staff several times. They are extremely unhelpful if you mention you are using Linux. I have found that if you use Opera 9.27 you can get access if you accept the several outdated certificates for the AOL sites. If you use Opera 9.64 it lets you right in, no problem. I want to remove Opera 8.54 because just leaving it on the hard drive wastes space. Also as a learning experience.
Can you get AOL to forward your mail some place more cooperative?

Removal - read install script, remove contents of indicated directories.
Or find -name opera and remove whatever it finds.
